Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Teaching SL Tools

My original intent was to document my experiences in SL. Life happens and I just did not find the time to do so. I left SL primarily because my right arm is injured. I have had one operation and am about to undergo another one. Joy! However, I can offer personal reflections here and there. I guess you could say my interest in SL was "reborn."

When I first came to SL I never thought that I would be interested in building. WRONG! I was and am. I started taking as many classes as I could find. At the time, there were a nunber of schools that offered classes on a daily basis. I loved building. I had some land and put just about everything that I had built out on display and available to purchase. My land is no more but I hope one day to have a little spot again in SL.

Since I enjoyed building so much, I became a teacher for TUi (technical users interface). My journey to being a full fledge teacher for TUi involved a mentorship. I was fortunate to have the most fabulous mentor, Squeakapoo Tracy. I have maintained contact with Squeak and we became close friends.

TUi has since shut its doors in terms of being a teaching institution within SL. Now you may go to Edumart and purchase individual tutorials. Personally, this holds no appeal to me. I enjoyed going to classes and teaching classes in SL. I had a purpose, teach and learn. I do not find it rewarding to simply put out lessons in a box to be purchased. I enjoy the sense of community within the virtual classroom setting.

Squeak is now a Master Jewler and has her own store, M!ne, which is absolutely lovely. She has decided to offer a few classes there and I am planning on teaching again.

Learning the SL interface is not an easy task. There are still so many things that I have no clue how to use; however, I can do a little of this and that. I plan on teaching a few simple build classes targeted at newbies who are interested in learning to build.

Also, I am considering on being a moderator for a "class discussion." Primarly, I want to provide a forum for SL residents to discuss the cultural aspects of SL. The other day I told Squeak about this and we generated a laundry list of topics.

Since it is getting to be winter, I decided to work on a very basic class, a snowflake. I know does not sound like much and it is not prim intensive whatsoever, but it covers the basics. Students will learn how to use several of the SL build features, how to texture and add a script. Note, I am not teaching script writing. That is an area I have very little experience let alone expertise.

Squeak is pushing me to take the Master Jewler class and I think I will just for the heck of it. I enjoy learning very much and it would be a kick just to see what I can dream up. Plus I would have some cool gifts to pass out to my other avi friends.

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